The economic value of legumes is high, because most of these seeds are rich in protein and are an important source of protein nutrition for humans and livestock. Some beans, such as soybeans, groundnuts, and tetrapods, contain large amounts of edible fats in addition to rich protein. The protein content of many bean seeds is between 20 and 40 %, and a few can reach 40 to 60 %. Its protein content is 2 to 3 times higher than that of cereals and 5 to 10 times higher than that of potatoes. In addition, the stalks and branches and leaves of legumes are also rich in protein, usually up to 8 to 14 %, while cereal stalks and leaves contain only 4 to 6 % of protein, so the stems and leaves of legumes are high nutritional values. Feed and excellent green fertilizer. Fresh pods, seeds and stems, and leaves also contain several vitamins, which are green feed for nutritious vegetables and livestock.
Main value of beans
Time: 2019-01-21 10:49:22
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