Eating peanuts like this can protect the liver, nourish the stomach, and moisten

Time: 2023-10-10 16:08:18

The "eternal fruit" mentioned by our ancestors is full of treasures all over our body: fruit, shell, bud, and clothing, all of which can be eaten and have their own uses, such as protecting the heart, nourishing blood, and lowering fatThis "evergreen fruit" is peanuts! It is also known as "plant meat" and "meat in vegetables", and has always occupied an important position in the food industry due to its delicious and undeniable medicinal and health value~

A handful of peanuts every day

Protecting the heart, clearing blood vessels, and stabilizing blood sugar

Modern research has found that people who eat more peanuts can reduce their risk of coronary heart disease by 35%. This is because regular consumption can lower the content of "bad cholesterol" low-density lipoprotein, prevent coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis, and make the heart healthier.

Another study found that if a portion of red meat in the diet was replaced with peanuts, the risk of diabetes would be reduced by 21%.

Peanuts are also rich in calcium. Whether it's children, pregnant women, or the elderly, ensuring a certain amount of peanuts every day can help strengthen bones.

1. Stable blood sugar: one in the morning

Eating a handful of peanuts in the morning can help stabilize blood sugar levels throughout the day, as peanuts can slow down carbohydrate absorption.

2. Clear blood vessels and protect the heart: switch to peanut oil for stir fried vegetables

Stir fry can be replaced with peanut oil, or eat more than ten peanuts per meal to ensure an intake of unsaturated fatty acids.

Unsaturated fatty acids in peanuts can decompose cholesterol in the liver into bile acids to promote excretion, thus reducing the cholesterol content in the blood and preventing atherosclerosis.

3. Eliminating acid reflux: dry chewing peanuts

Method: When stomach acid reflux occurs, eating 5 to 10 raw peanuts can effectively alleviate stomach acid.

Four healthy eating methods, protecting the liver, nourishing the stomach, and moistening the lungs

What a pity I don't know!

1. Raw peanuts: Nourishing the stomach

Raw peanuts have not been processed and their nutritional components can be preserved relatively intact. Raw peanuts have a unique sweet taste, especially when chewed with Mantou. It has an unexpected taste. If you don't believe it, you can try it.

Eating peanuts raw can nourish the spleen and stomach, promote appetite, improve digestion and absorption function, and is very beneficial for our digestive system.


Raw peanuts have a greater chance of being contaminated during storage. Especially in humid environments, it is highly susceptible to infection with aflatoxin, and once germinated, the risk of contamination is higher.

Therefore, when storing peanuts, it is important to store them in a dry and ventilated place. Once any odor is detected during consumption, it should be immediately vomited and rinsed.

2. Boiled peanuts: Moisturizing the lungs

Boiled peanuts, although simple to make, have a taste that is not inferior at all, and the vast majority of nutrients can also be preserved.

According to traditional Chinese medicine records, boiled peanuts have the effect of resolving phlegm and relieving dry cough.


Some people add a lot of seasoning, especially salt, to make boiled peanuts more flavorful, which can make them unhealthy.

3. Stir fried peanuts: liver protection

Stir fried peanuts can protect and nourish the liver. Spring is the golden period for nourishing the liver, so you can eat some fried peanuts to nourish the liver~

4. Peanuts soaked in vinegar: protecting blood vessels

Soaking peanuts in vinegar has the effects of increasing appetite, promoting digestion, and killing bacteria. It also helps to protect blood vessel walls, reduce cholesterol accumulation, and prevent thrombosis.

Peanuts and "it" win countless supplements

Nourishing the stomach: Carry a handful of raw peanuts with you

People with poor stomachs should carry a handful of peanuts with them. Eat on an empty stomach before meals, 2-3 times a day, three to five capsules at a time. When eating raw peanuts, it is important to chew them thoroughly to reduce the digestive burden on the stomach.

Peanuts contain a large amount of protein and fat. An appropriate amount of protein can help neutralize gastric acid, while an appropriate amount of fat can stimulate the secretion of intestinal gastrin by the small intestine mucosa, thereby inhibiting gastric acid secretion. In addition, peanuts are also rich in phospholipids, which can have a protective effect on the gastric mucosa.

Good nutritional effect: peanut and jujube soup

Prepare 60 grams of peanuts and 60 grams of jujube (recommended dry dates). First, cook the peanuts, then add the dates and cook them until they are tender. Once a day, it is equivalent to a daily meal, including soup.

Hua Sheng Mi Da Zao Tang has the effects of lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, tonifying the kidneys, and preventing presbyopia. Regular consumption can also nourish blood, promote blood circulation, and enhance immunity.

Spleen strengthening and fat reducing: peanut, red date, job's seed Congee

Take 40 grams of peanuts, red dates, red beans and Coix tears, and 30 grams of red rice, and cook porridge together.

Liver nourishing: peanut soybean milk

Squeezing peanuts and soybeans together has a good effect on lowering blood lipids and prolonging life, making it very suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to consume.

In addition, soybean milk also has the effect of tonifying deficiency, moistening dryness, clearing lung and resolving phlegm. Together, it can achieve twice the result with half the effort.